Albert Lea Veterinary Clinic,LLC

401 Saint Thomas Avenue
Albert Lea, MN 56007-3737


Puppy Class

         Puppy Classes!                      

Do you have a new puppy under 17 weeks of age in your household?  

Are you having difficulty with any of the following:
 *getting taken for a drag instead of going for a walk
 *potty training 
 *chewed up possessions  
 * fearful behavior 
 * puppy not liking strangers/loud noises/car rides 
 * other new puppy mis-behaviors    

We can help!

Dr. Dan offers behavior classes on Monday nights from 6-7 PM in the waiting room of the Albert Lea Veterinary Clinic.  He has helped owners train over 2500 puppies over the last 30 years.  The cost is only $20 for all 4 weeks.

Call or visit us today to see when the next class is starting. 

Puppy Class Graduation Puppy Class Graduation Puppy Class Graduation Puppy Class Graduation